Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Social interaction

Norms are the rules that apply in lifeRules that aim to Achieve a society that is safeorderly and prosperousBut there are still a handful of peoplewho still violate the norms of societyit is due to several factorsIncluding the factor of educationeconomics and others.
Norma consists of several kinds / types, among others:
1. Norma Religion
2. Norma Decency
3. Norma Modesty
4. Norma habit (Habit)
5. Legal Norms
Explanation and Definition of Each Type / Various Norms Applicable In Society:

1. Norma Religion
It is a norm that a religion based on the teachings of aqidahThis norm is absolute obedience that requires its adherentsIf someone does not have a strong faith and convictionthe person is Likely to violate religious norms.

2. Norma Decency
Norma is based on the moral conscience or humanSexual harassment is one of the violations of the norms kesusilan.

3. Norma Modesty
Is a norm that stems from a code of conduct in force in the community. How to dress and behave are some examples of the norms of Decency.

4. Norma habit (Habit)
Norma was a result of acts committed repeatedly in the same form that it Becomes a habitPeople who do not do the norm is Considered strangeby other community members. Activity on doing congratulations, birth and going home or returning home is an example of this norm.

5. Legal Norms
Is the set of instructions or commands and prohibitions of life that governs the order in a society (country). Penalties and legal norms bindingforceViolating traffic signs is one example of the rule of law.

In my opinion:

Norma Indonesia's rule in the State aimed to reach communities that are safe, orderly, and prosperousBut there are still many people who violatenorms, it is because several factors, including educationthe economy and others that are not on the run or at the end.many restrictions made 
​​by the citizens of this country that resulted in the destruction of this country .


Social norms described by sociologists as the laws that govern people's behavior. Although these norms are not considered as formal law in society, they are still a lot of work to promote social control. Social norms can be established formally (through sanctions) or informal (eg, through body language and non-verbal communication cues.) If people do not follow the norms, they become labeled as deviant and this can lead to them are considered as waste society. What is considered "normal" is relative to the culture in which social interaction takes place. Norms in every culture creates compatibility that allows for people to be socialized by the culture in which they live. 
Sociological theory such as Talcott Parsons and Karl Marx both came with theories why they believe the required norm in society. According to Parsons of functionalist [disambiguation needed] school, norms dictating the interaction of people in all social gatherings. On the other hand, Marx believed that the norms that are used to promote the creation of a role in society that make it possible for people from different levels of the social class structure in order to function properly. Marx claimed that the dynamics of power creates social order.

As social beings, individuals learn when and where it is appropriate to say certain things, to use certain words, to discuss certain topics or wear certain clothing, and when it's not. Thus, knowledge of cultural norms is important for impression, which is the regulation of their nonverbal behavior of individuals. One also comes to know through experience what kind of person he / she can and can not discuss certain topics with or wear some kind of dress around. Usually, this knowledge is acquired through experience (social norms are learned through social interaction). An example of the need for police behavior would be when people go to a job interview in a white-collar workforce and dress well in order to give a great first impression so that they get the job done.

in my opinion;

I think Americans are less concerned with the prevailing norms, it is evident that the country is free in life

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