Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Bentuk Interaksi Sosial

Bentuk – bentuk Interaksi Sosial dan Contoh – contoh :

Interaksi sosial yang bersifat asosiatif, yakni yang mengarah kepada bentuk - bentuk asosiasi (hubungan atau gabungan) seperti :

Kerja sama
Kerja sama adalah suatu usaha bersama antara orang perorangan atau kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.

Contoh dari kerja sama yaitu :
-membersihkan selokan yang dipenuhi dengan sampah secara bersama-sama dan saling bergotong royong untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih bersih.

-kerjasama dalam bentuk menanam pohon secara bersama-sama agar bumi ini kembali hijau lagi. kerjasama sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita, karena tanpa adanya kerjasama kita tidak akan menjadi makhluk sosial. Dengan menanam pohon otomatis kita akan berkomunikasi dengan individu lain dan berinteraksi dengan baik.

Akomodasi memiliki dua makna, yaitu sebagai keadaan dan proses. Akomodasi sebagai keadaan mengacu pada keseimbangan interaksi antar individu atau antar kelompok yang berkaitan dengan nilai dan norma sosial yang berlaku. Akomodasi sebagai sebuah proses mengacu pada usaha-usaha manusia untuk meredakan suatu pertentangan agar tercipta keseimbangan.

Akomodasi sebenarnya merupakan suatu cara untuk menyelesaikan pertentangan tanpa menghancurkan lawan. Tujuan Akomodasi berbeda-beda, tergantung pada situasi yang dihadapi.

Didalam hidup bermasyarakat sudah pasti kita mengalami konflik, baik itu antar individu maupun kelompok. gambar di atas merupakan contoh dari akomodasi yang terjadi didalam rapat yang mencoba memberi putusan yang baik dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang ada didalam rapat tersebut, salah satunya melalui musyawarah bersama untuk mencapai kesepakatan bersama.

Contoh lain dari akomodasi yaitu 

"SIDANG MPR " Sidang MPR merupakan suatu bentuk musyawarah yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan mufakat bersama agar dapat menyatuakan perbedaan pendapat supaya tidak menimbulakan adanya Pertentangan.


Asimilasi adalah proses sosial yang timbul bila ada kelompok masyarakat dengan latar belakang kebudayaan yang berbeda, saling bergaul secara intensif dalam jangka waktu lama, sehingga lambat laun kebudayaan asli mereka akan berubah sifat dan wujudnya membentuk kebudayaan baru sebagai kebudayaan campuran. 
Dalam asimilasi terjadi proses identifikasi diri dengan kepentingan-kepentingan dan tujuan kelompok. Apabila dua kelompok atau dua orang melakukan asimilasi, maka batas-batas antar kelompok akan hilang dan keduanya melebur menjadi satu kelompok yang baru.


Akulturasi adalah proses sosial yang timbul, apabila suatu kelompok masyarakat manusia dengan suatu kebudayaan tertentu dihadapkan dengan unsur - unsur dari suatu kebudayaan asing sedemikian rupa sehingga lambat laun unsur - unsur kebudayaan asing itu diterima dan diolah ke dalam kebudayaan sendiri, tanpa menyebabkan hilangnya kepribadian dari
kebudayaan itu sendiri.

Contoh dari akulturasi yaitu:
-Candi Prambanan merupakam Bentuk Akulturasi Budaya Indonesia-Thailand. Hal tersebut di lihat dari ukiran-ukirannya yang masih bernuansa thailand.

-Candi Borobudur yang merupakan perpaduan antara kebudayaan India dan kebudayaan Indonesia. Demikian juga musik keroncong yang merupakan perpaduan antara musik Portugis dan musik Indonesia.
  Candi Prambanan merupakam Bentuk Akulturasi Budaya Indonesia-Thailand. Hal tersebut di lihat dari ukiran-ukirannya yang masih bernuansa t

Social interaction

Norms are the rules that apply in lifeRules that aim to Achieve a society that is safeorderly and prosperousBut there are still a handful of peoplewho still violate the norms of societyit is due to several factorsIncluding the factor of educationeconomics and others.
Norma consists of several kinds / types, among others:
1. Norma Religion
2. Norma Decency
3. Norma Modesty
4. Norma habit (Habit)
5. Legal Norms
Explanation and Definition of Each Type / Various Norms Applicable In Society:

1. Norma Religion
It is a norm that a religion based on the teachings of aqidahThis norm is absolute obedience that requires its adherentsIf someone does not have a strong faith and convictionthe person is Likely to violate religious norms.

2. Norma Decency
Norma is based on the moral conscience or humanSexual harassment is one of the violations of the norms kesusilan.

3. Norma Modesty
Is a norm that stems from a code of conduct in force in the community. How to dress and behave are some examples of the norms of Decency.

4. Norma habit (Habit)
Norma was a result of acts committed repeatedly in the same form that it Becomes a habitPeople who do not do the norm is Considered strangeby other community members. Activity on doing congratulations, birth and going home or returning home is an example of this norm.

5. Legal Norms
Is the set of instructions or commands and prohibitions of life that governs the order in a society (country). Penalties and legal norms bindingforceViolating traffic signs is one example of the rule of law.

In my opinion:

Norma Indonesia's rule in the State aimed to reach communities that are safe, orderly, and prosperousBut there are still many people who violatenorms, it is because several factors, including educationthe economy and others that are not on the run or at the end.many restrictions made 
​​by the citizens of this country that resulted in the destruction of this country .


Social norms described by sociologists as the laws that govern people's behavior. Although these norms are not considered as formal law in society, they are still a lot of work to promote social control. Social norms can be established formally (through sanctions) or informal (eg, through body language and non-verbal communication cues.) If people do not follow the norms, they become labeled as deviant and this can lead to them are considered as waste society. What is considered "normal" is relative to the culture in which social interaction takes place. Norms in every culture creates compatibility that allows for people to be socialized by the culture in which they live. 
Sociological theory such as Talcott Parsons and Karl Marx both came with theories why they believe the required norm in society. According to Parsons of functionalist [disambiguation needed] school, norms dictating the interaction of people in all social gatherings. On the other hand, Marx believed that the norms that are used to promote the creation of a role in society that make it possible for people from different levels of the social class structure in order to function properly. Marx claimed that the dynamics of power creates social order.

As social beings, individuals learn when and where it is appropriate to say certain things, to use certain words, to discuss certain topics or wear certain clothing, and when it's not. Thus, knowledge of cultural norms is important for impression, which is the regulation of their nonverbal behavior of individuals. One also comes to know through experience what kind of person he / she can and can not discuss certain topics with or wear some kind of dress around. Usually, this knowledge is acquired through experience (social norms are learned through social interaction). An example of the need for police behavior would be when people go to a job interview in a white-collar workforce and dress well in order to give a great first impression so that they get the job done.

in my opinion;

I think Americans are less concerned with the prevailing norms, it is evident that the country is free in life


1.what are the factors of the establishment of the different types of societies?
2. what are types of Indonesian societies According to You?
3. give your own comprehension regarding norms in societies?
These factors are different types of communities:
1. Age
The age factor is a factor that affects a person's attitude towards community activities there. They are from the upper middle age group with a moral attachment to the values 
​​and norms of society more stable, much more likely to participate than those of other age groups.
2. Sex
Value long dominant in the culture of nations said that basically a woman is "in the kitchen" which means that in many societies, especially the role of women is taking care of the household, but the longer value the role of women has shifted with the movement of emancipation and education of women is getting better.
3. Education
Said to be one of the absolute requirement for participation. Education is considered to affect a person's attitude towards the environment, an attitude that is necessary for the improvement of the welfare of the whole community.
4. Employment and income
It can not be separated from each other because one's job to determine how much income will be earned. Employment and income are good and sufficient daily needs can encourage people to participate in community activities. The sense that in order to participate in an activity, should be supported by well-established economic atmosphere.
5. The length of stay
The length of a person living in a particular environment and experience of interacting with the environment will affect the person's participation. The longer he stayed in a particular environment, then the ownership of the environment tend to be more visible in the large participation in any environment
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. This is a list of standard Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries.

Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of the large population, the number of people who fluently speak Indonesian is fast approaching 100%, making Indonesia, Malay and thus, one of the most widely used language in the world.

Most of the people of Indonesia, in addition to speaking the national language, are often fluent in another regional language (examples include Javanese, Sundanese and Madurese) are commonly used in homes and in local communities. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other forms of communication, conducted in Indonesian. In East Timor, which is a province of Indonesia from 1975 to 1999, Indonesia was recognized by the constitution as one of the two working languages 
​​(the other being English), in addition to the official language of Tetum and Portuguese.

Indonesian name for the language is Indonesian (literally "Indonesian"). The term is sometimes found in English. Indonesia is sometimes called the "English" by English speakers, though this is really just means "language".

Norms are the rules that apply in life. Rules that aim to achieve a society that is safe, orderly and prosperous. But there are still a handful of people who still violate the norms of society, it is due to several factors, including the factor of education, economics and others.
Norma consists of several kinds / types, among others:
1. Norma Religion
2. Norma Decency
3. Norma Modesty
4. Norma habit (Habit)
5. Legal Norms
Explanation and Definition of Each Type / Various Norms Applicable In Society:

1. Norma Religion
It is a norm that a religion based on the teachings of aqidah. This norm is absolute obedience that requires its adherents. If someone does not have a strong faith and conviction, the person is likely to violate religious norms.

2. Norma Decency
Norma is based on the moral conscience or human. Sexual harassment is one of the violations of the norms kesusilan.

3. Norma Modesty
Is a norm that stems from a code of conduct in force in the community. How to dress and behave are some examples of the norms of decency.

4. Norma habit (Habit)
Norma was a result of acts committed repeatedly in the same form that it becomes a habit. People who do not do the norm is considered strange by other community members. Activity on doing congratulations, birth and going home or returning home is an example of this norm.

5. Legal Norms
Is the set of instructions or commands and prohibitions of life that governs the order in a society (country). Penalties and legal norms binding force. Violating traffic signs is one example of the rule of law.


1. Is the melting pot theory an instrument of intelligence and discrimination?
 Melting pot is not a theory of intelligence and discrimination instrument, as a melting pot of a theory dealing with the rights of society and mutual respect / appreciate each other between masyarakat.Jadi despite newcomers / people that affect their lives there, they still appreciate their cultures with each other
 2. Please explain the history of melting pot itself?
The founders of this great nation wanted to build a new world where people converge not only to start a new life but to be part of a common way of living. There is supposed to be a unique National Identity that is adopted, the sooner the better, by all immigrants. This ideal, however, is not simple to implement as people are not impersonal laborers: they carry their own cultural baggages with them.
The "melting pot" metaphor comes from the 1908 play, The Melting Pot, by Israel Zangwill (1864-1926). It refers to the American assimilation experience of immigrants in the US by the expression "the Great Alchemist melts and fuses all nations and races." The ingredients in the pot which represent people of different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs are processed until their previous identities are melted away and blended into a uniform product.
In American literature, an early use of the concept of immigrants "melting" into the receiving culture may be found in the writings of John Hector St. John (1735-1813): "Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world."
President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), a separatist on many issues related to races, said this to new immigrants: "And while you bring all countries with you, you come with the purpose of leaving all other countries behind you -- bringing what is best of their spirit, but not looking over your shoulders and seeking to perpetuate what you intended to leave behind in them." (Obviously, American pragmatism can be quite patronizing.
Today, not only are the US demographics changing in profound and unprecedented ways, but so too are the very notions of assimilation and the melting pot. "E Pluribus Unum" (From Many, One) remains the national motto, but what does that mean in the present reality?
There is a sense that, especially as immigrant populations reach a critical mass in many communities, it is no longer the melting pot that is transforming them, but they who are transforming American society.
American "culture" remains a powerful force that influences people both domestically and around the world. But several factors have combined in recent years to allow immigrants to resist, if they choose, the assimilation that had once been considered irresistible.
Some sociologists argue that the melting pot often means little more than "Anglo conformity" and that assimilation is not always a positive experience. With today’s emphasis industrial competitiveness and acceptance of cultural diversity, it has become easier for immigrants to avoid the melting pot entirely. The metaphor itself is falling out of fashion and is increasingly replaced by such terms as the "mosaic" and, less poetically, the "salad bowl," metaphors that convey more of a sense of fragmentation in describing this nation of immigrants.
The current message to immigrants might as well be: "Come as you are, and stay as you are."What does this imply? While we, as a nation, are implicitly embracing the notion of cultural diversity, we do not yet have any practical policies and mechanisms that, first, articulate what cultural diversity really means; second, recognize that cultural diversity is part of the national agenda; and, third, support its productive realization in the ways we all live, work and play together. (Canada’s Multiculturalism may be a relevant case-study.There is a fine line between tolerance and lacking a common vision. National unity and strength are at risk when people begin to disconnect from the fabric and think of themselves as separate threads.But, alas, such unity and strength cannot be realized by simplistically pouring the gray concretes of  McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, The Simpsons and the likes all over the country.
In the midst of incessant wave of criticism and attacks against the new policies of President George W. Bush on Iraq and the Middle East, even from Congress controlled by the Democrats, the end of January, foreign policy makers in Washington offers a strategic partnership that is interesting to Indonesia.

In the midst of incessant wave of criticism and attacks against the new policies of President George W. Bush on Iraq and the Middle East, even from Congress controlled by the Democrats, the end of January, foreign policy makers in Washington offers a strategic partnership that is interesting to Indonesia.
Why not. Currently the U.S. government is preparing an investment agreement with Indonesia that bilateral trade between the two countries is expected to rise to 40 percent. And this agreement was made within the framework of a free trade agreement FTA (free trade agreement) with Indonesia. And according to the information, this is one of the policy priorities of the United States in Southeast Asia for 2007.
And isyrat seems indeed quite serious as this information is expressed by David Katz, Director of Asia Pacific Affairs at the U.S. Trade Representative's office. This means that Bush's policy to establish an investment agreement with Indonesia informed the public of a fairly authoritative source.
This trend indicates that an important political achievement for the United States in foreign relations with Indonesia, but at the same time indicates that the United States is in dire need of Indonesia as a reliable ally (reliable ally).
Bush's new strategy to add approximately 21,500 military personnel to Iraq, and a cue to escalate the conflict to Iran and Syria, it seems America is in desperate need of political and diplomatic support from the Southeast Asia region. And for that, the support from the Philippines and Thailand have been the traditional American allies, it is less likely sufficient for the designers of strategy and foreign policy in the White House.
Inevitably, the Muslim-majority Indonesia about 90 percent, would be one of the main considerations. But ironically, the Indonesian Islamic culture moderates and appreciate the diversity of cultures and even a pretty high tolerance for the presence of other religions, it is not likely to be quite positive factor for the Americans. Because for Americans, the characteristics of the people of Indonesia are moderate Islam and supporting cultural pluralism would be meaningless if it can not be the mainstay of U.S. allies in both the strategic cooperation in the political and military. Especially if you have to be American allies to join the fight against America's enemies such as Iran, Syria or North Korea.
Just for illustration, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the two countries which have been considered Islamic understanding Islam represents a fairly harsh and puritanical. Both Arabia and Pakistan, an Islamic state that sensible Wahhabist main agenda is to purify the Islamic teachings that mimic raw style Islamic Middle East. Not only in terms of conditions of Islam as the state ideology, but even to the ritual and style of dress.
But America is in fact not at all disturbed by the trend of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to adopt a centrist Wahabi Islam. Even when Afghanistan was occupied by the Soviet Union's military, armed resistance groups that are dominated by the Islamist Taliban purists and Pro Pakistan which is an Islamic state berpahamkan hardline Wahabi, yet Americans still think of them as allies. Because of the time it is important for America: Neither Pakistan nor the Taliban Islamic group based in Afghanistan, agreed to fight the Soviet occupation forces in Afghanistan. That Pakistan and the Taliban is a radical Islamic group, Americans simply do not care.
Thus, it is misleading to say that the Americans are very concerned to enforce the understanding of Islam liberal or moderate pro pluralism in Muslim countries such as Indonesia. Can be used as long as American allies, radical Islam or Islamic puritan attitude is not a basis for outlining the White House foreign policy to the Muslim-majority countries.
In the history of bilateral relations between Indonesia and America, there's actually a fairly interesting one. As Americans face the communist bloc countries like the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China in Southeast Asia in the cold war period around the 1960s, including Indonesia, U.S. to face the threat of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), forced to forge alliances with some of the party or political forces that are considered anti-PKI.
Thus, in addition to the Army, the U.S. decided to ally with the Islamic Party and the modernist-leaning Masyumi tend ideological understanding in applying his Islam. Actually in a very liberal American perspective and supporting pluralism and even included a secular state, tactical support to Masyumi when in fact it remains an oddity or anomaly. But as a strategy to stem the communist influence in Southeast Asia is a priority of American foreign policy, it is kind of weird alliance was considered perfectly natural.
The question then, did this purely political calculation to establish a tactical alliance with the U.S. in Muslim countries? Or is there something even more strategic in their calculations and strategy architect of American foreign policy. For example, some concern that the presence of an Islamic power that is deeply rooted in the community culturally a country that is regarded as a threat more real Americans.
Because if we look at prototype and profile Muslim communities berpahamkan wing puritanical Wahhabi Muslims and Egyptian-style Ihwanul referring to Muhammad Qutub Islamic movement leaders, despite their puritanical and radical in religious understanding, but basically many of the educated middle class-based and berkultur big cities. That is, although they are radical in religious understanding, but may develop into a revolutionary in political, economic and legal. Plus, as a Muslim communist purists, but based on the big cities, in fact they do not have intensive contacts with the rural culture that generally adheres to Islam based on tradition and local culture.
In other words, the strategists and foreign policy America has had a political calculation that no matter how large forces based puritanical Wahabi Islam and Muslims Ihwanul models referring to Muhammad Qutub, still it is a Political Enclave (Pocket political) power base and influence remains finite and measurable.
In such circumstances, the United States in another wing, the easier it will create a new class in the field of intellectual / academic, technological, economic and military, which at first glance with the current seaspirasi minded and puritanical Islamic and radical groups like that, but it is actually another class that has nothing to do with Islamic agendas such puritan. Rather it is an entirely new social classes serving schemes and American political agenda in the political, economic and legal.
The problem, though Americans have done so far, or at least has given wind to the creation of a constellation of such conditions and in Indonesia, but in practice is not entirely successful, as the Americans in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
In Saudi Arabia, if we listen to the work of documentary film titled Fahrenheid Michael More, there was revealed the interesting fact that in the era of George Bush Senior, Bush family is already established business cooperation with some of the royal family of Saudi Arabia, even with some members of Osama bin Laden. So that even though Osama in its development has become rebels against the Saudi royal family, but the business relationship that exists between the Bush family and Osama bin Laden is certainly still a big question. Even when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were bombed by terrorists who claimed the White House conducted by Al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden.
That is, there was a time when Americans have to tolerate and even cooperate with radical Islamic understanding as adopted by the Saudi royal family and Osama bin Laden.

In Pakistan, despite the radical Islamist Wahabi style dominates public life, but in real terms the actual American political group allied with the military under the command of General Musyaraf as a social class that actually has nothing to do with Islamic agendas of various groups that dominate the Islamic puritan social and cultural rights in Pakistan.
Thus, the U.S. established a strategic alliance with Pakistan while still giving wind to some degree that does not jeopardize the strategic interests of the U.S. and the Pakistan military. Why it could be done by Americans so easily? Due to the existence of a puritanical Islamic group does not provide a conducive situation for the community to provide an opinion critical of the authorities, let alone raise a force citizens against the authoritarian regime.
So also in Saudi Arabia, as well as unconditioned creation of a public opinion that is critical of the authorities, it is still difficult from the community, even among elite palace of critical internal and pro-reform, to raise a force of resistance to the Saudi kingdom.
And at the same time, as a strategic move against Pakistan imposed America, the architects of foreign policy in Washington to establish a strategic alliance with the leading members of the Saudi Kingdom is regarded as a key player.
In Indonesia, the Americans have recognized until now difficult to establish a strategic alliance with Indonesia and permanent. Although there are groups such as Islamic purists are generally incorporated in the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), but in terms of the influence of Islam that they built are still very limited and measurable. This means that there are many other good balancer United Development Party (PPP), the National Awakening Party (PKB)-based traditional Islamic NU, and even the National Mandate Party (PAN), which although leaning modernist and urban-based, but intellectually and understand Islam still relatively tolerant and moderate.
Not to mention that some elements of cultural-based moderate Islam and who still has a strong influence in both the Golkar Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), which incidentally is still the two largest parties that dominate the House of Representatives seat, at least until the next election in 2009.
The number of layers of players who determine the policy and political control of the country's political institutions, making it difficult to implement the American "foreign policy of the door" in Indonesia.
Thus, the offer of investment agreements with Indonesia, would have to be observed further development. Therefore, the clause will be redirected to the investment agreement to develop trade in agriculture, services, intellectual property rights as well.
This is interesting, considering the agribusiness sector and services sector currently is a business that became the basis of the efforts of various groups of middle class Muslims in Indonesia. Even the interesting facts that must be observed is, that the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) since the first group of students known as the base of the wing Puritan Islam as incorporated in the Indonesian Student Action Unit (WE) and Hamas.
While in the service sector of Information Technology, for example, is now a Muslim middle class base of a wide spectrum of understanding Islam.
Therefore, Gary Clyde Hufbauer optimism of the Peterson Institute for International Economics that the investment agreement could increase bilateral trade by 40 percent, aganya still need to be studied in more detail again.
*I think we as citizens of Indonesia must have a strong determination to maintain and preserve our own culture, should not we as citizens of Indonesia themselves do not know the culture that exist in our country, because they are too popularize the culture of the people who end we waste pnya what our country so that other countries can easily grab and recognize our own culture